The Golan Heights
Map published in Atlas of Near East, Brill, Amsterdam, 2017 On December 14, 1981, Israel officially annexed the Golan Heights occupied since 1967 by its army. This measure complicates its possible return to Syria because [...]
By Fabrice Balanche|2023-04-02T11:58:29+02:002 April 2023|Maps, Near-East|
Map published in Atlas of Near East, Brill, Amsterdam, 2017 On December 14, 1981, Israel officially annexed the Golan Heights occupied since 1967 by its army. This measure complicates its possible return to Syria because [...]
By Fabrice Balanche|2023-04-02T12:11:51+02:002 April 2023|Near-East, Publication|
Cover Atlas of the Near East: State Formation and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1918-2010 The Atlas of the Near East offers an in-depth examination of the economic, social, and demographic dynamics of the Arab Near [...]
By Fabrice Balanche|2023-04-02T10:17:37+02:002 April 2023|Expertise, Iraq, Middle-East, Syria|
In 2018, the World Bank in cooperation with GIZ (German cooperation) launched an applied research program on reconstruction in countries affected by conflict in North Africa and the Middle East (Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya). [...]
By Fabrice Balanche|2023-04-02T10:13:59+02:002 April 2023|Expertise, Kurdistan, Syria|
This report aims to focus on the internal situation in North-East Syria in particular the relations between the Arab tribes and the Local Administration, Kurds and Arabs, the potential for destabilization coming from the Syrian [...]
By Fabrice Balanche|2023-04-02T10:10:03+02:002 April 2023|Media, Middle-East|
Interview for the Algerian newspaper Horizons Published on April 1, 2023 Fabrice Balanche, specialist in Syria, analyzes the changes observed in the position of certain Arab countries vis-à-vis Syria. According to him, the earthquake that [...]
By Fabrice Balanche|2023-04-02T10:08:51+02:002 April 2023|Iraq, Kurdistan, Near-East, Publication, Syria|
Published on March 4, 2023 in Groupe d'Etudes Géopolitiques In November of 2022, Turkey bombed Kurdish forces in Syria and the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) in Northern Iraq in retaliation for the attack in Istanbul [...]
By Fabrice Balanche|2023-04-02T10:20:09+02:0028 March 2023|Communitarianism, Publication, Syria|
This study, illustrated with 70 original maps and graphics, fosters a deeper understanding of the role sectarianism has played in Syria's war and reassesses the notion that the regime's divisive efforts singlehandedly transformed the secular [...]
By Fabrice Balanche|2023-04-02T14:22:44+02:0015 March 2023|Lebanon, Publication, Syria|
Syria and Lebanon are now two states under foreign influence, fragmented by ethnic, religious and tribal antagonisms that seem irreducible. Beyond international geopolitics and the Arab-Israeli conflict, the causes of their respective failures are also [...]